Friday, February 27, 2009

Becoming Special Forces Believers

A few years ago, Sue and I attended Special Forces graduation ceremonies at Fort Bragg, NC. Our oldest son completed almost two years of rigorous training resulting in his becoming one of the best trained and proficient soldiers in the entire world. He introduced us to a number of his friends and I was impressed with the commitment and devotion of these special men. These highly trained professionals are defending our country against Godless terrorism around the globe.

When our national anthem played during one of the ceremonies, I was moved to tears as I thought of the freedom you and I take for granted, but these brave men will put their lives on the line daily to defend. Sgt Barry Sadler’s “Ballad of the Green Beret” played and I though about some of these talented men going so far as giving their lives for our freedom.

The war against tyranny and terror is very real and our enemy is very real. At the same time, another battle rages. It is a fight for the freedom of men’s souls.

Men, women, and children that live on your block and mine are caught in the bondage of sin resulting in addictions, abuse and joyless lives. Who will fight for these oppressed people?

Millions of dollars are spent on training Special Forces soldiers to fight against terror. Rightly so! What kind of effort are we making to see those oppressed by sin and shame freed?

“De Oppresso Liber” is the Special Forces motto. Liberate the oppressed. What a noble calling! I would like to challenge you, as I challenge myself, to engage the enemy of our souls in fighting for the freedom of the oppressed.

“What can I do?” one may ask. Several things:
Pray! The battle we fight is “not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers in high places.”
Fast! Some things only happen as we say no to the appetites of the ‘flesh’ and yes to God and His purposes.
Take advantage of training opportunities! Sunday services at your church are training opportunities. At our church we have a Bible Institute; take advantage of classes in your area. All of these are helps to equip and train us!
Give! As we give, God receives our gifts and multiplies our efforts!
Speak up! The person you work with, your next door neighbor, your waitress at dinner, may need the “Good News” you have. Don’t be shy!

At the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum, one of JFK’s quotes is stated in reference to Special Forces soldiers: “We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.”

Could that be said of you and I as we contend for the freedom and liberty of those around us? Let it be so.

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