Friday, February 27, 2009

What really matters

February 2006

A few days ago I received a call from my sister, Karen. She said that her husband, Mike, was found at home not breathing and without a pulse. At that very moment, paramedics were working on him and she asked that we pray for a miracle. We did. The particular miracle we prayed for didn’t happen and Mike went home to be with the Lord.

Mike began suffering with youthful onset type 1 diabetes as a teenager. The disease affected his vision and circulation and restricted his diet. He loved sports but found that he couldn’t enjoy them as a participant.

Mike was a very good Bible teacher. He started four churches and had several successful radio ministries. Mike was well respected in the ‘faith community’ in Phoenix, but the churches he led never became ‘mega churches.’

Mike understood what was really important. He took time to find “community” with people. Dan and Suzie found Jesus 30 years ago as Mike spent time with them in their home. They will tell you that over 25 of their family members know Jesus today because of Mike. Rigo is a young Hispanic man that Mike spent time mentoring who is now preaching the Gospel instead of cruising the streets of Phoenix. Hal and Cheryl met in Mike & Karen’s living room 30 years ago sharing their dream to unite pastoral leadership in the Phoenix area and now lead “Bridge Builders,” a ministry that networks 600+ pastors in the Phoenix area. Cheryl has authored “The Prayer Saturated Church,” published by NaviPress and speaks throughout the nation on prayer. Susan, a single mom from England, was destitute and didn’t know where to turn. Mike listened to her, accepted her and began teaching her who Christ made her to be. She is now president of “Fountain of Hope,” a ministry that meets the needs of destitute people in downtown Phoenix through food, shelter and clothing. Just a few days before his death, Mike led a man to the Lord in the park where he would sit and read his Bible. He went home and got his wife and she found Jesus, too.

Community requires time spent focusing on others.

Fifty-six seems too young to wrap up ministry on earth. Mike spent time on things that really matter. Mike understood “community.”

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