Friday, February 27, 2009

Real Community

Real community involves loving people with God’s kind of love. God’s love is selfless; a ‘one way,’ giving kind of love. How do we do that?

First of all, Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Is someone in need? Are they in your life? Then do for them what you would do for yourself.

Secondly, He gives us a ‘new commandment.’ We are to love others as Jesus loved us! How did Jesus love us? He died for us. The first kind of love, ‘a little for me, a little for you,’ we can understand, but being willing to die for each other? Now we’re talking about foundational change in our lives! It means we will have to die to our self-centeredness!

Third, Jesus tells us the kind of love He wants us to have is the love found between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John 17. The Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Father, the Spirit loves the Father, the Father loves the Spirit and so on. Unity kind of love! No jealousy, no barriers!

As we love each other with God’s love, the doors are open for us to experience genuine community. Begin with your family, then the Church, then the world!

Take these three steps:
Care for others the same way you care for yourself.
Eliminate self-centeredness.
Live without jealousy or barriers; love unconditionally!

And the world will see Jesus’ love in us!

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