Friday, February 27, 2009

You Make a Difference!

You make a difference! April 2004
When I checked the global population counter a few days ago, (April 6, 2004, 3:33pm), there were 6,346,054,185 residents of our planet. I am one of that number and so are you. By comparison, you and I are both very small!
When I consider how small I am, and then hear things like, “God has a plan for you” and “nobody can do what you do,” I begin to wonder a bit about it. Is someone just telling me that so I will feel better about myself? Or, am I really as significant as The Bible and a few others have told me? Are they just trying to get me to do something that will better them? Have you had any of those thoughts? How could God use someone as small and relatively insignificant as me for His great purposes and plans?
One day, Jesus was teaching and preaching out in the country. About 5,000 men and their families were together listening to him speak. Time passed quickly and before people realized the lateness of the hour, someone said “its time to eat.” Problem was, in this remote part of the Israeli countryside, Burger King, McDonald’s, Taco Bell and the Old Country Buffet were nowhere to be found!
I suppose the disciples had been scrounging around for food and all they could come up with was one little boy’s lunch. Either he or his mother had planned ahead and sent him with five loaves of bread and two fish. The Bible doesn’t record exactly how the disciples went about getting this food from the boy, but I believe he gave it to them.
This lunch grew from a few loaves and fish to enough to feed the entire group with 12 baskets left over! All because one young boy gave what he had!

It’s a dark, stormy night and the disciples are traveling across the lake and they are afraid. What looked like a ghost appeared to be walking on the water coming toward their boat.
Peter, without thinking, calls out, “Jesus, if that’s you, ask me to come to you.” Jesus said, “It’s me, go ahead and come to me.” Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. As he thought about what he was doing, fear overcame him and he began to sink, but cried out for help. Jesus picked him up and they traveled to the boat together.
Something that goes against all the laws of physics happened because one young man did what Jesus said to do!

In Gennesaret, a call went out to bring the sick to Jesus for healing. They came in droves. Every person who reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment was healed!

Each of these stories would not have happened if an individual had not given, stepped out, or reached out. Do I make a difference? Each one of these individuals did, so I do as well. I simply have to take the initiative and do it. Just do it!

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